Air Source Heat Pump Installation – A Complete Guide for You!

Are you tired of those bone-chilling winters, cranking up the heating and watching your energy bills soar? It's a common struggle, but fear not – we've got a game-changer for you. Welcome to the world of Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP), where warmth meets efficiency in a way that's kind to both your pocket and the planet.

Are you curious about the air source heat pump installation process? This process typically involves selecting a suitable location, installing the pump unit, connecting it to the electrical system, and connecting the indoor and outdoor units.

But hold on, there's so much more to discover! Dive into the article to uncover the nitty-gritty details of ASHP installation. We'll walk you through each step, from initial planning to the magic of turning your home into a cosy haven. Get ready to revolutionise the way you warm your home and say goodbye to those winter woes.

What is an Air Source Heat Pump?

This is an innovative and environmentally friendly system that has gained popularity in the UK when it comes to central heating system . To put it simply, it's a device that acts as a heat transporter, taking heat from the outside air, even when it's cold, and using it to warm up the inside of your home. It's a bit like having a heat magician right outside your door.

ASHPs are designed to be energy-efficient if you compare them with gas boilers, meaning they can produce more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume. This makes them a green alternative to traditional systems, which often rely on fossil fuels. Lastly, ASHPs help reduce carbon emissions and lower your energy bills – a win-win for both your pocket and the planet.

How Do Air Source Heat Pumps Work?

Air Source Heat Pump Diagram

ASHPs work by taking heat from the outside air and transferring it into the house. Even in colder weather, the outside air still contains some heat that can be used for heating purposes.

The fan collects air from the outside and passes it over an evaporator coil. This coil contains a refrigerant liquid that absorbs the heat from the outside air, causing the refrigerant to turn into a gas.

The gas then goes through a compressor, which increases its temperature and pressure. This gas then flows into a condenser coil that is located in your home. As the gas condenses back into a liquid state, it releases the heat it gained outside into the air inside your house. The warm air is distributed throughout the rooms using radiators, like traditional heating systems.

Benefits Of Installing Air Source Heat Pumps

These pumps have gained popularity for a reason! Let's dive into the many benefits they can bring to your household.

  • Energy Efficiency:

They can provide efficient heating and cooling, using much less energy compared to traditional heating systems, resulting in lower energy bills.

  • Cost Savings:

By reducing your energy consumption, these can significantly decrease your monthly energy costs.

  • Environmentally Friendly:

These pumps produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, helping you to lower your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet.

  • Versatile Operation:

They can efficiently heat and cool your home, allowing you to enjoy comfortable temperatures all year round.

  • Durability:

With proper maintenance, these can last for many years, providing you with long-term comfort and savings.

  • Low Noise Levels:

Unlike traditional systems, these operate quietly, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful and serene home environment.

  • Improved Air Quality:

These pumps often come with advanced air filtration systems, which can help remove pollutants and allergens from your home's air, providing cleaner and healthier indoor air quality.

  • Government Incentives:

In many areas, installing them can make you eligible for government incentives, further reducing the overall cost of installation.

  • Increased Home Value:

Having an energy-efficient and eco-friendly system like these can enhance your home's value and make it more appealing to potential buyers in the future. 

The Installation Journey of an Air Source Heat Pump

Now that you have a grasp of what ASHPs are and how they operate and their benefits, let's start the journey of installing one in your home.

On-site Survey and Preparation

Before installing them, some important steps need to be taken at your home. Skilled technicians will visit your house to make sure everything is ready.

First, they will look at the space where the outdoor unit will go. They need to check if they can easily reach it and if it has enough room around it. They also want to make sure that no objects are blocking it so air can flow properly.

Next, the technicians will check the insulation in your home. Insulation helps keep the heat inside. They will check the walls, floors, and ceilings to see if everything is properly insulated. If they find any issues, they will try to get them fix before, so the pump works better.

Moreover, they will also check your current system to understand how it works. This will help them connect the pump to the existing system in the best way possible.

Lastly, technicians will ask you about your heating preferences. If you want some rooms to be warmer than others, they will adjust the radiators and pump accordingly.

Installing the ASHP Units

Now that the survey is done and everything is ready, it's time to install them. This stage involves putting the indoor and outdoor units in their proper places and making sure they work well with your home.

The outdoor unit, also called the condenser unit, goes outside the house. Technicians choose a good spot where it's easy to get fresh air. They consider things like noise, how it looks, and how much space is available. The outdoor unit needs to exchange heat with the outside, so its placement is important.

The indoor unit, which has the radiator or heat exchanger, is installed inside your home. Technicians put it where you need heating the most. They decide how many units you need and where to put them based on the size of your home and your heating preferences. They make sure the heat can go to all the rooms, like the living room, kitchen, and bedrooms.

Furthermore, technicians take their time to mount the indoor and outdoor units properly. They use strong materials and techniques to make sure the units are firmly attached and can handle different kinds of weather. Good mounting helps reduce noise and vibration while making sure the pump lasts a long time.

Sometimes, they need to make changes to your existing system to connect it with the ASHP. They might need to upgrade the electrical system so it can handle the extra power needed by the ASHP. Technicians check how much electricity your home can handle and make any necessary changes to keep everything safe and working well.

Connecting the Units

Now we're at an important part of the installation process: connecting the indoor and outdoor units. This connection is established through a refrigerant piping system that allows for the transfer of heat between the two units.

The refrigerant is a specialized fluid that cycles between the indoor and outdoor units, absorbing heat from the outdoor air and releasing it inside the home. Through this process, the ASHP is able to extract heat even from cold outdoor air, providing efficient heating for your home.

To make the connection, technicians carefully position and connect the refrigerant pipes between the indoor and outdoor units. These pipes are designed just for the refrigerant, and they need to be connected tightly. Any leaks would be a problem because it would make the ASHP work less efficiently.

Another important thing is making sure the refrigerant pipes are covered with insulation. This is like wrapping them up. It helps keep the heat from escaping while the refrigerant is moving. This way, the pump can work its best to keep your home warm.

After everything is connected, technicians do some tests to make sure the pump is working properly. They measure things like temperature and pressure to make sure everything is right. If they need to make any adjustments to make it work even better, they'll get that done for you.

During the testing phase, technicians will show you how to use the ASHP. They'll teach you how to control the temperature, set schedules, and use other features. It's important to know how to use it correctly so it can work its best and save energy.

Finishing and Maintenance

Successful installation of Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP).png

After the successful installation, there are important steps to follow to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Firstly, take a moment to tidy up the installation area. Ensure it is clean and free from debris. Proper insulation and soundproofing around the ASHP can be beneficial. These measures not only enhance the ASHP's efficiency but also help minimise any operational noise, ensuring your comfort.

Maintenance is a crucial aspect of post-installation. Regularly inspect and clean or replace air filters as per the manufacturer's recommendations. This simple task can significantly impact the ASHP's efficiency by ensuring unobstructed airflow. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as leaks or unusual noises, and address them promptly.

Timely maintenance can extend the lifespan of your ASHP and keep it running smoothly, providing consistent heating for your home.

How Much Does an ASHP Installation Cost?

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On average, you can expect to invest between £6,000 and £12,000 for a standard residential ASHP installation in the UK. This cost includes the ASHP unit itself, installation labour, and additional components like pipes and wiring. It's advisable to obtain quotes from reputable installers to get a more accurate estimate based on your specific circumstances.

However, the cost of can vary widely depending on several factors:

  • Type and Size of ASHP:

    Different types and sizes of ASHPs come at varying price points. Larger units designed for larger homes will typically cost more.

  • Location:

    Installation costs can vary by region due to differences in labour and material prices.

  • Complexity of Installation:

    If the installation requires significant modifications to your existing system or extensive pipework, it can increase the overall cost.

Considering a DIY Approach?

While some may consider a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to save on costs, it's essential to understand the complexity of this process. These systems require technical expertise, and attempting a DIY without the necessary skills can lead to costly mistakes and safety risks. But, if you are still planning to do it yourself then the DIY process to install an ASHP can be broken down into a few key steps:

  • Plan: 

Think about how big your home is and what it needs to stay warm. Consider things like the weather where you live and how well your house keeps it warm.

  • Find the right spot: 

Look for a good place outside your home to put the pump. It needs space to work properly and be kept clean. Make sure there is nothing blocking it.

  • Install the outdoor unit: 

Put the outdoor unit of the pump on a solid surface, like concrete. Connect it to the power supply using the instructions that come with it. It's best to get help from an electrician to be safe.

  • Install the radiators: 

You also need to install some radiators inside your home. These radiators will help distribute the warm air.

  • Connect the tubes: 

There are tubes that connect the outdoor and indoor units. These tubes carry a special substance that helps the pump work. The instructions will tell you how to connect them. It's important to use insulation to keep the heat in the tubes.

  • Connect the wires:

Connect the wires between the indoor and outdoor units, and also to the thermostat and power supply.

  • Test it out: 

Once everything is connected, test the pump to see if it's working. Check for any leaks or strange sounds. Adjust the thermostat to the temperature you want.

ASHPs involve refrigerant handling, electrical work, and precise pipework – all of which require specialised knowledge. Moreover, DIY installations may void warranties or lead to inefficient system performance. It's strongly recommended to hire qualified professionals for a safe and efficient installation, ensuring that your ASHP operates optimally from day one.

How Long Does It Take to Install an Air Source Heat Pump?

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The duration can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the project and the size of the system. On average, a standard residential installation typically takes about 2 to 5 days to complete. However, it's essential to note that more complex installations, larger systems, or additional modifications to your system may require additional time.

The installation timeline will be discussed and provided by your installation team during the planning phase. It's crucial to be patient during the installation process to ensure that everything is set up correctly and efficiently.

What are the Funding Options in the UK?

When it comes to investing in an Air Source Heat Pump for your home in the UK, you're not just making a wise choice for your wallet, but also for the environment. The good news is, there are various funding options and incentives available to make it more affordable for you.

For those interested in learning more about the financial support available, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is an excellent resource to explore. This scheme offers a generous £7,500 grant that can significantly ease the financial burden.

Can I get the Air Source Heat Pump for free?

While ASHPs aren't typically available for free, there are schemes and initiatives in place that can significantly reduce the upfront costs. One such scheme is the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4). Under ECO4, larger energy companies are obligated to provide funding for energy-saving improvements, including this one, particularly for low-income households.

Are there any grants available, and how can I qualify for the grant?

The ECO4 scheme is a valuable resource for homeowners seeking financial assistance. This scheme aims to make energy-efficient upgrades more affordable, with a focus on helping those who need it most. To qualify for ECO4 funding, homeowners typically need to meet specific criteria, such as income thresholds or specific energy efficiency requirements.


When it comes to Air Source Heat Pumps, questions often arise about their installation, operation, and benefits. Here, we address some frequently asked questions to provide clarity on this innovative heating technology:

1. Can I install an air source heat pump myself?

This one is a complex process that typically requires professional expertise. ASHPs involve refrigerant handling, electrical work, and precise installation, making it challenging for most homeowners to do it themselves. It's strongly recommended to hire qualified technicians to ensure safe and efficient installation.

2. Do plumbers install air source heat pumps?

While plumbers may have some relevant skills, this is a specialised field. It's best to hire HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) professionals or dedicated ASHP installers who are trained and experienced in handling these systems effectively.

3. Do air source heat pumps use a lot of electricity?

ASHPs are designed to be energy-efficient, extracting heat from the outdoor air and using electricity to transfer it indoors. While they do use electricity, they typically produce more heat energy than they consume, making them an energy-efficient heating option that can reduce your overall energy bills.

4. Where should a heat pump be placed in a house?

The location of an ASHP unit is crucial. The outdoor unit should be placed in an area with good ventilation and minimal obstructions to access outdoor air. The indoor unit is usually installed in a utility room, garage, or a suitable indoor space where it can efficiently distribute heat throughout your home.

Final Thoughts!

To sum it up, this pump is a fantastic choice for heating your home. These systems are like magic heaters, using the outside air to make your home warm while being kind to your wallet and the planet. While setting up this one might sound tricky, it's best to let experts handle it safely and efficiently. Remember, these pumps are eco-friendly and cost-effective, making them a smart choice.

Exploring options like the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme can make air source heat pump installation more budget friendly. These programs aim to help homeowners/tenants like you get greener energy solutions. Adding this pump to your home not only keeps you warm but also helps reduce your carbon footprint. So, take the step toward a cosier, eco-friendlier home with these pumps.

Posted on Jan 30, 2024.

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